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Friday, October 16, 2009

A Recipe For Success

Share is caring....everyone want to be the best. Here some tips to be success

1. Believe in yourself. Bila dah yakin percaya diri sendiri, senang nak capai apape.

2. Break your dreams & aspirations up into short term objectives. Set time limits. So bila ada deadlines, kita work for the best.

3. Tell people about your deadlines. Once kita commit, kita buat sampai tercapai.

4. Build up confidence & self-esteem. Ambik lah apape tanggungjawab & terima segala cabaran.

5. Acknowledge your strengths & weaknesses.

6. Be optimistic, forward thinking, look positive.

7. Have the courage to take risks. Jangan takut pada kegagalan, kegagalan tu pelajaran sebenarnya.

8. Look for basic principles & common truths.

9. Be curious. Selalu dapat kan new information, bertanya, jagan ambik kesempatan & ambik mudah.

10. Take full responsibility for all your decision.

11. Set high standard, offer more than is expected.

12. Be an achiever, not a talker. Get things done.

13. Be honest & modest. Penting ni.. .

14. Treat other people as what u like others to treat u. Ni penting juga ni tapi kekadang nasib tak menyelebelahi kita gak. Kita buat baik, org sebaliknya pulak. Takpelah.. fikir positive.

15. Never undermine others' abilities. Hmmm. jgn pandang org sebelah mata tau...!

16. Learn from the past but look to the future.

17. Keep looking for the new horizon.

*sourced geoffrey moss

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